
All posts tagged review

Review of Glock 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol. Gen 3 Glock G19 – My take on the gun I trust my life to. See why this pistol is so reliable.

After owning this Glock Pistol for over a year, I can’t believe I haven’t taken the time to sit down and write a review about it. Then again, after over a year of full use, in multiple applications and outings, after thousands upon thousands of rounds, I think that I can now make a well informed review on this pistol.

The Glock 19 or “G19” pistol is a polymer frame semi-automatic compact pistol. It is a slightly smaller version of the Glock 17 9mm pistol. It is chambered in 9mm (9×19, 9mm Luger, 9mm Para, 9mm Parabellum). Standard capacity is 15+1 rounds in a metal lined polymer magazine. If you want more technical details and all that stuff, check out the Wikepedia Glock page. Continue Reading