Glock 19

All posts tagged Glock 19

Glock 19 malfunction. Video and description of a unique slamfire and stovepipe failure with the Glock Pistol.

Everyone knows based on my previous posts and purchase history, that I am an avid Glock fan.  I’ve ran thousands upon thousands of rounds through my Glock 19 with no gun-related issues. Most if not all of my malfunctions were based on bad ammo, or my own poor reloads when I first began reloading 9mm.  However, a recent experience has shattered that perfect history.

Glock 19 Stovepipe Malfunction

Glock 19 Stovepipe Malfunction

During my last match, during the second stage, there was a mandatory reload when you reach the second shooting box. I used my factory Glock 10 round magazine, which has had a slight history of feeding issues when manually chambering a round, but never when the gun cycled by itself when fired. However, this time around, my first shot with that magazine caused a stovepipe malfunction, perhaps due to too much tension from the magazine being pushed up into the bottom of the barrel. Regardless, it was a simple and common type of malfunction. I performed a basic clearing drill and racked the slide to allow the spent casing to fall out. Upon releasing the slide, the Glock 19 slam fired, sending another round into the dirt. Luckily I had the gun pointed in a safe direction, so no one was hurt. After the malfunction induced discharge of the second round, that case also stovepiped.  See the video of the malfunction here:

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Review of Glock 19 Semi-Automatic Pistol. Gen 3 Glock G19 – My take on the gun I trust my life to. See why this pistol is so reliable.

After owning this Glock Pistol for over a year, I can’t believe I haven’t taken the time to sit down and write a review about it. Then again, after over a year of full use, in multiple applications and outings, after thousands upon thousands of rounds, I think that I can now make a well informed review on this pistol.

The Glock 19 or “G19” pistol is a polymer frame semi-automatic compact pistol. It is a slightly smaller version of the Glock 17 9mm pistol. It is chambered in 9mm (9×19, 9mm Luger, 9mm Para, 9mm Parabellum). Standard capacity is 15+1 rounds in a metal lined polymer magazine. If you want more technical details and all that stuff, check out the Wikepedia Glock page. Continue Reading

Custom Gunsmithing done on a Gen 3 Glock 19. Grip Reduction, undercut, grip job, aftermarket trigger by Glock Worx, internal magwell. & More

Glocks are widely known for their “perfection”. Heck, they call it “Glock Perfection”. They’re always knocked on their tag line every time they come out with a fix, or a new generation. The fact of the matter is that Glocks are not perfect for everyone. Simply because no one is perfect. I’m definitely not perfect, and for that reason, I had my Gen 3 Glock 19 shipped out to my buddy Ray over at GlockWorx. Continue Reading